If it is difficult to determine the losses which the patentee has suffered or the profits which the infringer has earned, the amount may be assessed by reference to the appropriate multiple of the amount of the exploitation fee of that patent under contractual license. 被侵权人的损失或者侵权人获得的利益难以确定的,参照该专利许可使用费的倍数合理确定。
JWebUnit is an open source project that's freely available under a BSD license. jWebUnit是一个开源项目,可以在BSD许可下免费获得。
To use code from the catalog under the Apache license no registration or authentication is required. 在Apache许可之下使用目录中的代码不需要注册或身份验证。
Under either license, you can use the ODE source in commercial products without a fee. 在这两个许可证中,我们都可以在商业产品中使用ODE的源代码,而不需任何费用。
The necessary IBM HTTP Server eAssembly files and the RDS package asset are only delivered under license; you can download the eAssembly files from Extreme-leverage and RDS. 必要的IBMHTTPServereAssembly文件和RDS包资产只能在有许可证的情况下交付。您可以从Extreme-leverageandRDS下载eAssembly文件。
WSO2 is producing its entire middleware platform as100% open source under Apache license. WSO2正在酝酿使其整个中间件平台成为符合Apache许可的100%开源平台。
You must provide a copy of the GPL with the program, so that the recipient is aware of his rights under the license. 您必须随程序提供一份GPL的拷贝,以确保接受者了解其在此协议下的权利。
Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. 任何试图以其他方式进行复制、修改、再授权或者发布本程序的行为均为无效,并且将自动终止您基于本授权所得享有的权利。
These commodities are only permitted for importation ( exportation) under license. 这些商品只有在获得进口(出口)许可证后,才允许进(出)口。
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 然而,依本授权规定自您手中收受复制物或权利之人,只要遵守本授权规定,他们所获得的授权并不会因此终止。
You may not assign your rights or obligations granted under this license without the prior written consent of nero. 未经nero事先书面许可,不得将本许可协议规定的权利或义务分配给他人。
This transaction is termed pharmaceutical manufacture under license. 根据这项交易被称为药品生产许可证。
It will release the core code under the BSD license. 它将在BSD许可协议下发行核心代码。
If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution. 如果你以原始码的形式散布此软件的任何部分,你可以只将此授权条款的完整副本包含在你的散布中。
The'Cover Texts'are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. “封面文字”是某些被加以列出的简短文字段落,在一个声明了是以本授权加以发行的文件中,依此作为前封面文字或后封面文字。
Tamiflu, or oseltamivir, made by Roche under license from Gilead Sciences, can reduce the severity of infection, as can a rival drug, Relenza, made by GlaxoSmithKline. 达菲(奥塞米韦)由GileadSciences公司授权罗氏公司生产,与其竞争对手&葛兰素公司的瑞乐莎(Relenza)作用相似,可以减轻感染的严重程度。
If you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object code form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this license. 如果你以编译过的或以对象程序代码的形式散布此软件的任何部分,你可能只能发布遵循此授权条款的方式包含在你的散布中。
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. “贡献者”是在本授权下授予本程序或者本程序所基于的程序的使用权的版权所有者。
Dolby noise reduction manufactured under the license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. 杜比噪音减低系经杜比实验证明公司授权制造。
All Seller's software required for operation of the System and the system is provided to Buyer under the license set forth in Annex E herein. 系统操作所需的一切卖方软件按本合同附件四规定的许可向买方提供。
CC service under a public license, whether by manually marking your materials as such or using CO. CC服务以公共许可证,无论是手动标记您的资料或使用这种服务的工具CO。
If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. 若您无法同时符合依本授权所生义务及其他相关义务而进行发布,那么其结果便是您不得发布该程序。
Scala is distributed under a BSD license and has been deemed stable for several years. Scala以BSD许可发布,并且数年前就已经被认为相当稳定了。
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. 您只有在本授权的明确授权下才能传播或修改复盖程序。
You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. 除本授权所明示的方式外,您不得对本程式加以复制、改、授权或散布。
Under the license system, the license charge will influence the market structure of mobile service and mobile telecommunications. 在许可证制度下,许可证费将对移动服务和移动通信市场结构产生影响。
The actual experiments show that the physical and friction properties and wear resistance of domestically developed disk brake linings are comparable to those of overseas advanced ones, so that they are suitable for disk brakes of motor vehicles both developed in China or under import license. 试验表明,所研制的盘式制动片在物理性能、摩擦性能、磨损性能等方面,与国际先进水平相比没有明显差别,可适用于国内设计车型及引进车型上盘式制动器。
Trade under patent license; 二是专利许可证贸易;
Protection and Access of Private Data under Personal License 用户授权方式下的隐私数据保护和访问